Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ей тука някъде

Мечтая за един по-добър свят. В моя по-добър свят може би няма да има мир навсякъде и сигурно все още има бедни хора и богати хора. Може би дори все още ще има такива, които искат правителството да се намеси и да премахне бедността. Този по-добър свят, за който мечтая, ще има една простичка отлика от света, в който живеем сега:


Също така няма да уточняват специфични желания за особено подходящи места, като например:

- На пешеходната пътека.
- Точно преди светофара.
- Веднага след сфетофара.
- На завоя.
- Точно там, където на мене ми е удобно, защото ме мързи да ходя няколко метра и изобщо не ми пука, за движението и за удобството (за сигурността пък не съм се сетил даже) на другите хора. Но иначе смятам, че живеем в ужасна държава и системата е сбъркана.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Това са спойлери в много по-малка степен от текста на задната корица на книгата, но все пак да предупредя.

.. Ако искаш да получиш добра оценка, знаейки постулата за успоредните прави, се готвиш по учебника по геометрия; ако трябва да говориш за "
Балила", научаваш наизуст това, което трябва да мисли един балила. Въпросът не е дали е правилно, или не. Всъщност моите родители не знаеха, но и Евклидовата геометрия важи само за гладки равнини, толкова идеално гладки, каквито не съществуват в действителността. Режимът беше гладката повърхност, с която вече всички бяха свикнали. Без да държат сметка за криволинейните водовъртежи, в които успоредните прави изгарят или се раздалечават безутешно.

Виждам една кратка сцена, която сигурно се е случила няколко години по-рано. Питам:
- Мамо, какво е революция?
- Едно нещо, когато работниците взимат властта и отрязват главите на всички чиновници като баща ти.


Отивам на литургия в селото, заедно с мама и с нея е госпожата от вилата на няколко километра от нашата. Все говори срещу арендатора си, който й крадял счетоводните документи. И понеже арендаторът бил червен, тя станала фашистка, поне в смисъл, че фашистите са срещу червените. Излизаме от църквата и двама офицери от "Сан Марко" се заглеждат по госпожите, които не са първа младост, но още хващат окото, а пък и то се знае, войниците не подбират много. Приближават се и уж питат за нещо, защото не били оттука. Двете госпожи се държат любезно (какво толкова, две хубави момчета) и ги питат как се чувстват далеч от къщи. "Борим се, за да върнем на тази страна честта й, скъпи госпожи, честта, която някои предатели омърсиха", отвръща единият от двамата. А съседката коментира:
- Браво, точно така, не като онзи, за когото говоря.
Единият от двамата се подсмихва странно и казва:
- Бихме искали да знаем името и адреса на този господин.


Бях го попитал защо идва в ораториума, след като всички казват, че е атеист. Беше ми отговорил, че идва, защото това е единственото място, където можеда види хора. А и не бил атеист, а анархист. Тогава не знаех какво са анархистите и той ми обясни, че са хора, които искат свобода, без господари, без крал, без държава и без свещеници. "Без държава най-вече, не като комунистите, които в Русия имат държава, дето им казва дори кога да ходят в клозета". ... Попитах го защо, след като е против комунистите, е с гарибалдийците, които са комунисти. Отговори ми, че първо, не всички гарибалдийци са комунисти и че сред тях има социалисти и дори анархисти, и второ, че в този момент врагът е нацифашизмът, и че в такива случаи не бива много да се придиря. "Най-напред се побеждава заедно, а сметките се уреждат след това".
- Не ти харесва Сандокан? - попитах го.
- Според мен е малко фашист.
Тъй като в "Най-новата енциклопедия Мелци" бях прочел името Хегел (Проч. фил. от школата на пантеистите), го попитах кой е.
- Хегел не е бил пантеист и твоят Мелци е неграмотник. Пантеистите твърдят, че Бог е навсякъде, и в оная цвъкаща муха, дето я виждаш ей там. Голямо удовлетворение, да си навсякъде, значи да си никъде. Добре, за Хегел не Бог, а Държавата е трябвало да бъде навсякъде, значи е фашист.
- Но не ли живял преди повече от сто години?
- И какво от това? И Жана Д'Арк е чиста проба фашистка. Фашистите са съществували винаги. Още от времето на... още от времето на Бог. Вземи Бог. И той е фашист.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


(See definition)

The idea of a process in which societies or individuals become better – how convenient. What if individuals do not want to become better? What if individuals think that things are only getting worst and they used to be happier before?

Certainly we now know much more than the people back in the 19th century, who knew more than those from the 17th, 15th, 13th. Certainly progress has lead to us being more informed of the complications the progress itself has created all around the world. Certainly we have discovered many scientific facts we used to not know and many ways to implement them practically in order to make our lifes more comfortable. I am the last person to imply that this is bad, morally reprehensible or undesirable. We have no choice but to assume that the people in the 23th century will know more and will know better than us how to use the cumulative knowledge. (unless a war over oil puts an end to all progress ofc :)

But if we would agree that the only factual and provable knowledge is mathematical knowledge, how do we judge philosophical or particularly moral ideas? We can only prove mathematically that we have enhanced our methodological approach – that is analysis, generalization, typology, etc. We can judge a specific moral idea either from the point of view of its perception in different hystorical contexts by different people or groups, which is relative and does not say much about the idea itself, or from the point of view of... morality. Is our morality subject to progress? Has it improved due to the cumulative knowledge of the centuries? Have we discovered new facts, dependencies, cause-effect relations? Maybe we have. Can we prove it mathematically? I doubt it.

So of what does the cumulative knowledge consist? First, of science i.e. mathematics. Its second ingredient, though, is pure prejudice.

YOU see, Sir, that in this enlightened age I am bold enough to confess that we are generally men of untaught feelings, that, instead of casting away all our old prejudices, we cherish them to a very considerable degree, and, to take more shame to ourselves, we cherish them because they are prejudices; and the longer they have lasted and the more generally they have prevailed, the more we cherish them. We are afraid to put men to live and trade each on his own private stock of reason, because we suspect that this stock in each man is small, and that the individuals would do better to avail themselves of the general bank and capital of nations and of ages. Many of our men of speculation, instead of exploding general prejudices, employ their sagacity to discover the latent wisdom which prevails in them. If they find what they seek, and they seldom fail, they think it more wise to continue the prejudice, with the reason involved, than to cast away the coat of prejudice and to leave nothing but the naked reason; because prejudice, with its reason, has a motive to give action to that reason, and an affection which will give it permanence. Prejudice is of ready application in the emergency; it previously engages the mind in a steady course of wisdom and virtue and does not leave the man hesitating in the moment of decision skeptical, puzzled, and unresolved. Prejudice renders a man's virtue his habit, and not a series of unconnected acts. Through just prejudice, his duty becomes a part of his nature.

Edmund Burke, 18th century

So poor St. Thomas indeed didn't know a shit about differential calculus, but what do we know of morality and the ways of living together such as he did not, regardless of the fact whether he would agree or oppose it? It is always the same dozen of simple things, things before and beyond mathemathics, things that get no influence of such events as falling apples and Copernican shift-aways. The same simple things we always return to.

And a bit off-topic, but I love this text:

Perhaps what liberalism aspires to marry with liberty is not so much prosperity as progress. Progress means continued change for the better; and it is obvious that liberty will conduce to progress in all those things, such as writing poetry, which a man can pursue without aid or interference from others: where aid is requisit and interference probable, as in politics, liberty conduces to progress only in so far as people are unanimous, and spontaneously wish to move in the same direction. Now what is the direction of change which seems progress to liberals? A pure liberal might reply, The direction of liberty itself: the ideal is that every man should move in whatever direction he likes, with the aid of such as agree with him, and without interfering with those who disagree. Liberty so conceived would be identical with happiness, with spontaneous life, blamelessly and safely lived; and the impulse of liberalism in the beginning, to give everybody what he wants, in so far as that is possible, would be identical with simple kindness. Benevolence was one of the chief motives in liberalism in the beginning and many a liberal is still full of kindness in his private capacity; but politically, as a liberal, he is something more than kind. The direction in which many, or even most, people would like to move, fills him with disgust and indignation; he does not at all wish them to be happy, unless they can be happy on his own diet; and being a reformer and a philanthropist, he exerts himself to turn all men into the sort of men he likes, so as to be able to like them.

George Santayana, The Irony of Liberalism

Mysterious flame

If we choose to define beauty relatively to the object, to which we attribute it, then yes – recognising beauty is learnable. It remains a process of re-cognition though. It fits almost perfectly the definition of R2 – decoding of a message and assessment of the author's mastery. (we do not go further than the decoding of the message at this stage; the reaction to the decoded message is another thing). It is a purely rational process and therefore it is (2) learnable.

In the course of the history we have witnessed more than one change of the concept of beauty. Not only is the current concept learnable, but also concepts of past ages are learnable and reconizable, with the corresponding levels of acceptable deviations, evolutionary or revolutionary changes of acceptance levels and the concept itself. The learnability of the concepts and the reasons behind their establishment and change, is possible, because beauty defined relatively to the object, to which is is attributed, is also (1) socially determined.

Choosing to define beauty relatively to the subject of perception is absolutely and irresistibly alluring to me but is has three major implications.

1) There is no definition. Response of the soul, mysterious flame, physically sensed reaction to things with no physical nature, touch from an extra dimension, R3... Something that provokes delight, joy, pleasure, admiration, astonishment... but also confusion and anxiety or dismay and awe, or dread... There is no apparent logic there – we may sence all of these at the same time or shift from one group to other during time frames varying from several minutes to years when we meet the same object. I admit, no - I would fiercely defend the concept that our reactions are socially determined. This is absolutely and irrefutably true... in the vast sense. There is no and there could not be an individually valid socially determined explanation to the complete shock provoked by just a normal sunset, a simple tree, or a mediocre piece of art, or an innocent remark, a piece of news giving some small detail.

2) It is too easy to leap to the conclusion that the attribute has nothing to do with its bearer. This is a path leading to solipsism – a direction, which is counterproductive and unacceptable. The alternative path leads to theism.

3) Technically, I lose the debate. It is not socially determined and it is unlearnable – you do not learn how to be shocked... but what is this “it”? The attempt of definition is too broad, it can apply and it actually does apply to everything. It seems that I have lost the beauty, the pieces of art and the topic of the conversation somewhere on my way. However I still feel being right. What I am actually saying is, that there is something vaguely definable that may or may not make your soul respond – to anything, pieces of art inclusive. And it is beyond our power to learn it.